Another award! (with a little surprise at the end)

Thank you Aquileana for nominating me for the Versatile Blogger Award (Flowers Version), I’m greatly honoured. Aquileana is a wonderful blogger who writes very insightful, informative posts about Greek mythology, so it’s worth checking out her blog, if you haven’t done so already 🙂

The rules of this award are:

  • Thank the person who gave you this award, and include a link to their blog.
  • Nominate other blogs you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly.
  • Write down 7 thing about yourself.

My nominees, in no particular order:

As for the 7 things about myself, I thought I’d do something a little different this time…

7 things I’ve learnt about myself (and about life)

I’ve learnt that though I hate to cry,
I love those books that bring my tears to life.
I’ve learnt that love I give is not a sight,
but an action grown with time and plight.
I’ve learnt that while my dreams are high,
I’ll push through the dark that clouds my sky.
I’ve learnt that bad days change to better days,
and it’s okay not to be okay.
I’ve learnt that makeup doesn’t always conceal,
sometimes it’s used to reveal the real you.
I’ve learnt that while planning is key,
sometimes you just need to jump head-in.
And lastly, the act of being truly yourself,
is something I’m learning to embrace myself.

Two awards at once?!

Wow, wow, wow… hold up for a second. Am I reading right? I blink. I lean closer to the screen. I push my glasses up. And… it looks like I am reading right. Ladies and gentlemen, today marks the special day when I’ve been nominated for… not one, but TWO blogging awards! Incredible! I’m simply speechless (but thankfully not wordless; otherwise I wouldn’t be able to type up this blog post!).

Very Inspiring Award

Thank you so much Swajithkas for nominating me for this ‘Very Inspiring Blogger Award’. I’m truly humbled. You yourself are a most inspirational blogger and friend, who indeed adds to the beauty of this blogsphere. One of my biggest dreams for this blog (and in life) is to inspire people, so to be nominated for the VIBAs (yes I know, my acronyms continue to be horrible) is just the most amazing feeling ever.

So here are the rules for the VIBAs:

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you.
  • List the rules and display the award.
  • Share seven facts about yourself.
  • Nominate other amazing blogs and comment on their blog to let them know you nominated them.

7 facts about myself:

  1. I fall in love with a LOT of fictional guys. Tobias/Four (from Divergent), Étienne St. Clair (from Anna and the French Kiss – he has a handsome American with a French name and a British accent… seriously, what’s not to love?), Mr Darcy (from Pride and Prejudice)… the list just goes on. Unfortunately, it’s always been unrequited love.
  2. I love New York City, and I don’t even know why. I just do. Maybe it’s because I love the city bustle. Maybe it’s because Taylor Swift lives there. Maybe it’s because so many novels and movies are set there. Maybe it’s because the city lets individuals join the crowd as uniquely themselves. Maybe it’s all of the above. Whatever the reason, NYC has captured my heart.
  3. I have a tendency to write extremely long messages on Christmas cards; sometimes, I have trouble fitting all the words in.
  4. I prefer making my own birthday cards, over buying them at the store.
  5. I like rhymes. I’m that person who will exclaim on a regular basis, ‘Hey, that rhymes!’
  6. I enjoy novels with strong, independent, fiercely brave female characters (no fainting heroines for me!).
  7. I like talking on the phone past midnight.

Now, my nominees in no particular order…

Just as a side (but important) note, I want to say that every single one of you readers and bloggers make this blogsphere a truly beautiful place, and there would be no blogsphere without you guys.

Liebster Award

Equally big thank you to Tabitha for nominating me for the Liebster Award! Go check out her blog guys; it’s beautiful and very creative.

Anyway, here are the rules for this award:

  • Put the Liebster Award logo on your blog.
  • Answer the questions given and then come up with 10 new ones to ask your nominees.
  • Nominate other blogs, let them know you have nominated them and put a link to their blog in your post.
  • No tag-backs.

And my answers to Tabitha’s 10 questions are as follows:

  1. If you had the chance, would you rather see what your future holds or relive any moment in your past? I would rather relive a moment in my past, because to me, what’s so special about the future is that it’s unknown and remains unknown until the moment it becomes the present, and I wouldn’t want to ruin the mystery of whatever lies ahead.
  2. What do you love about writing? I love that it gives me the space to reflect, to discover, to re-discover and to experience moments of catharsis. I write to inspire and to be inspired.
  3. If you were stranded on an island with only one book what would it be? Difficult question! I would choose Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice because I would need Elizabeth’s witty humour and Darcy’s passionate declarations of love to keep me company on this mystical island. Or maybe Jonathan Swift’s Guillver’s Travels? Who knows, I might meet tiny people on this island, and I’ll need all the guidance that I can get my hands on!
  4. What are some awards you’ve received in your personal life? Mainly academic awards; I’ve gotten Dux of the Year a few times. But once, I did get this Swimming Age Champion trophy, which was shocking.
  5. Top 5 most played songs in your music library. ‘Style’ by Taylor Swift; ‘Between The Bars’ by Elliot Smith; ‘We Are Young’ by FUN; ‘Candles’ by Daughter; ‘All You Had To Do Was Stay’ by Taylor Swift.
  6. What movie reminds you of your high school years? Oh geez. I really don’t know the answer to that. All high school movies seem to have cliched cliques, and my high school didn’t have those kinds of cliques.
  7. If you didn’t live where you are now, where would you be living? Hopefully New York.
  8. What time era would you love to visit? Elizabethan Era, so I can meet Shakespeare and watch his plays.
  9. Name a candy you cannot resist. Tic Tacs.  
  10. Do you prefer a physical book or an eReader? Another difficult question. I love the smell and feel of physical books, and would prefer physical books if I were reading at home. But if I was travelling, I would prefer an eReader, since it’s lighter and more convenient (wouldn’t want to drag along a whole suitcase of books!)

Now, I nominate:

Congrats guys! My 10 questions for you are:

  1. Who is your role model?
  2. What a typical breakfast for you?
  3. How quickly can you say the alphabet backwards? (yep, you may need to test this one 😛 )
  4. Who makes you laugh the loudest?
  5. Why do you write?
  6. Five words that best describe you.
  7. What’s your favourite mode of transport and why?
  8. What’s your dream job?
  9. Sweet or savoury?
  10. What do you like to do on a rainy day?

Okay, that’s it! Hope you enjoy answering the questions. For anyone who’s managed to read on till the end, a huge thank you and well done, because you’ve officially read over 1000 words… and because you’re amazing, just the way you are 🙂 (Guess what song I stole those lyrics from!)

Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award… How cool is that? Now I’m a part of a Sisterhood.

How exciting! Thank you so much Amie for nominating me for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award. This award recognises the unique voices of women bloggers around the world, and I’m so honoured that you’ve chosen me as one of your nominees. Amie is a brilliant writer and I absolutely love her blog, so guys, go check it out!

Here are the rules for the SWBAs (I know, I make up the worst acronyms):

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back to their site.
  • Put the award logo on your blog.
  • Answer the ten questions sent to you.
  • Nominate seven blogs.
  • Make a list of ten questions for your nominees.

Okay, so my answers to Amie’s ten questions:

  1. Why did you start blogging? Honestly, just to write. I’ve always been one of those silent observers – I had a voice that I was too afraid to use, and writing (and blogging) gave me the chance to speak up and to speak out my thoughts.
  2. Which is your favourite among your blog posts? Why? That is a really difficult question; it’s like asking me what my favourite book is. But for now, I’ll have say that ‘Cracks and broken tears’ is my favourite, because writing that blog post gave me a moment of catharsis and also satisfied the part of me that is hopeless romantic.
  3. Who/What inspires most of your blog posts? Personal experiences, interesting things I notice in daily life, books or movies that I can’t stop thinking about, the song that I’m currently listening to on repeat. Honestly, anything has the potential to inspire my next blog post.
  4. What are your dreams and goals for your blog? When I first started this blog, I never anticipated myself going as far with it as I have now. And that’s because I had no idea just how supportive this blogging community is and just how important this kind of support is as a driving force behind blogging. So I suppose my goal is to continue growing my readership, to keep this blog alive. But my dreams for this blog? To inspire people, to add to the positivity in this world, to use what I know (or think I know) to help others fill in their own blanks.
  5. What do you want to accomplish this year? I am a big dreamer, and what I want to achieve is not always achievable. But one thing I definitely want aim to accomplish this year is to become an active member in the community – to participate in as much as I can, to meet new people, to do my part in helping to make this world a better place. And I know that this isn’t really an ‘accomplishment’ but I want to work towards being a happier person who sees her worth and doesn’t need other people’s words to make her feel more worthy.
  6. What is your favourite book? Why? Challenging question. You do not ask an avid reader what her favourite book is. Currently (because my favourite book always changes), it’s Veronica Roth’s Allegiant, the last book in the popular Divergent trilogy, because I love the style of writing (so powerful, so evocative), I love the characters (so realistic), I love the ending (yes, I may have cried) and I just love everything about that book. It literally sent me in a whirlwind of emotions.
  7. What brings you joy? Whatever makes me laugh. For real.
  8. Describe yourself in 3 words. I don’t know. (only kidding :P) Clumsy. Diligent. Responsible.
  9. Now tell us what 3 words your friends would use to describe you. Hardworking. Outgoing. Fun.
  10. How long have you been blogging? A couple years back, I started a blog, but I wasn’t exactly motivated about it, so the blog hit the ground before it even took flight. But this blog on WordPress has been going on for a little more than a month now.

Okay, my nominees in no particular order…………… *suspense created by all these ellipses*

Congrats guys 🙂 All of you have such unique voices and write wonderfully. My 10 questions for you:

  1. If you were musical instrument, what would it be and why?
  2. What is your guilty pleasure?
  3. What is your favourite fictional world/universe?
  4. Why do you blog?
  5. What is your favourite movie of all time and what’s so awesome about that movie?
  6. What is one thing you wish were true but isn’t?
  7. If you could Apparate (that’s right, Harry Potter style) to one place on Earth in this very moment, where would it be?
  8. What is your life motto?
  9. Who is your inspiration in life?
  10. What is your current favourite novel and why? 

That’s it! Hope you enjoy answering the above questions. And to anyone who’s still here up to this point (because I know, this is a super long post), you’re awesome and thank you so much for reading.

Versatile Blogger Award… say what?!

Holy smokes! So here I was, just casually scrolling through my Reader, when suddenly I see that I’ve been nominated for this Versatile Blogger Award! My reaction? alsdkfjalskdfjasldkfj! Thank you so much May 13th for nominating me!! I love your blog, and I’m just so so humbled that you enjoy reading mines too.

When I first started this blog a few weeks ago, I never anticipated that anyone would actually read it, let alone comment on it or follow it. So I just want to say a huge thank you to you all – yes, you! – for supporting me, for leaving me such lovely messages, for giving this blog a chance. I’ve always loved writing, and yeah, writing is amazing. But being able to share my writing with you guys? That is what’s most amazing. As a wise person once said, “If you have no one to share any of this with, then what’s the point?”

Okay, so here are the rules for the VBA:

  • Show the award on your blog.
  • Thank the person who nominated you.
  • Share 7 facts about yourself.
  • Nominate 15 blogs.
  • Link your nominees’ blogs, and let them know.

7 facts about myself:

  1. When I get really excited, I start speaking gibberish.
  2. I absolutely LOVE food. Just feed me good food, and you’ve won my heart.
  3. I have a really weird laugh. Even I think it’s weird. That’s how weird it is.
  4. I can play the piano quite well.
  5. I love dancing (but only in secret. Audience count: 0). Goofy moves is how I roll.
  6. When I have steam to blow off, I like to read Shakespeare monologues out loud (it usually involves me yelling them at the top of my lungs).
  7. It’s extremely rare to see me with any makeup.

My nominees, in no particular order…


  1. Young & Twenty 
  2. Simply Haynes
  3. The World According to Grethe
  4. Cosy Words
  5. your average book worm
  6. frustration personified
  7. Fiction Limbo
  8. Eat, Play, Clove.
  9. Finding My Inner Zen
  10. In Pursuit of Contentment
  11. Joyfully Abby
  12. Hannah*Mumbi
  13. The Girl in Glasses
  14. A Simple Life
  15. Aging Gracefully My Ass

Congrats guys!

Again, a big thank you to you all! Every bit of support you’ve shown me – every view, every like, every comment, every follow – truly means a lot to me 🙂